Episode 28: Does size really matter?

This is the final episode of our 3 part mini series about the book Sex at Dawn. Specific topics in today’s final episode include:

  • Comparing body size and mass of males and females in different ape species.

  • So, does size really matter? Yes, it actually does!

  • How often are we and all the other primates having sex? Why does this matter?

  • Known Ovulation vs. Concealed Ovulation

  • Sperm competition and the battle within a woman’s vagina.

  • A woman’s body has the ability to deny a certain man’s sperm if it isn’t compatible with her.

  • Why are women so loud during sex?

  • Why can women have multiple orgasms when her male partner can not?


Episode 29: OOTO for the Holidays


Episode 27: Living that Bonobo Lifestyle