Episode 16: Astrology Part 2


In the final episode of season 1 Mike and Elisa continue their conversation about astrology. Specific topics include:

  • How a birth chart can make more sense as someone gets to know themself more on a deeper level. Elisa and Mike both give specific examples of how certain aspects of their charts started to make more sense as they got to know themselves better.

  • Elisa discusses her Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, and how she used to deny certain parts of herself. This lead to feeling like her chart, at first, didn't make sense.

  • Elisa talks about how her Mars and Venus are both in Aquarius! This was a huge indicator for her that non-monogamy was probably a good fit for her.

  • Elisa's North Node is also in Aquarius! What does all of this mean, and how does it relate to polyamory?

  • Mike and Elisa discuss how their North Nodes are in the other person's Sun Sign, and how this means they are both striving to learn and embody the qualities that the other person naturally possesses.

  • How does looking at the different aspects of your chart and looking at the different elements play a role in deeply understanding oneself and becoming whole?

  • Mike and Elisa discuss the Matrix! What is an awakening? What does it mean to push past limiting beliefs and to wake up to new aspects of the self?

  • "Someone can show you the path, but only you can actually walk it."

  • How have Mike and Elisa seen their lives align with their North Node over the past few years since their Awakenings?

  • Aligning to your North Node isn't an easy task. It is something we are all working on our whole lives, so what does it look like to get out of your comfort zone and align with your North Node?


Episode 17: We’re back!


Episode 15: Astrology Part 1